David and Robin Weidner invited twelve couples from around the country to participate in a life-changing weekend of instruction and healing. Couples in attendance unanimously called this seminar "revolutionary," as it featured: A man and a woman's perspective on purity; Husbands and wives learning together; Real, unfiltered answers to difficult questions. In these five recordings, David and Robin draw on their own experience with sexual addiction and love addiction. Listen as a couple or use for couples retreats, a teaching series on marriage, or recovery material. Building on almost 30 years of experience in full-time and volunteer ministry, David and Robin Weidner founded Secure in Heart and Purity Restored Ministries. They have been married for 28 years and have 3 adult children.
Disc 1: PurityChristians and impurity
Revisiting 1 Corinthians 7
Foundations of Purity
Disc 2: IntimacyPure intimacy
False intimacy
Imperfect But intimate
Disc 3: ShameHow Shame Separates
Sources of Shame
Language of Acceptance
Disc 4: BoundariesThe Bible of Boundaries
Biology of Boundaries
His Role, Her Role
Disc 5: ConnectionTrue Satisfaction
Emotional Bonding
The Bedroom Spirit
Disc 6: ResourcesComplete Notes
Practical Exercises
Disc 1: Purity
Disc 2: Intimacy
Disc 3: Shame
Disc 4: Boundaries
Disc 5: Connection
Disc 6: Resources